Getting Started with MicroPython
The Open Hardware MiniConf will be constructing LoliBot robots based on the ESP32 and capable of running MicroPython, so if you’re going to that as well bring yours along.
The LoliBot is based around a LoLin32 Lite which is a simple ESP32 board using an ESP32 chip and 4MB Flash. It has an onboard Lithium battery controller and voltage regulator and USB to serial converter.
The ESP32 IO pins are connected as follows
ESP32 | Connection |
IO2 | Three APA106 Neopixels |
IO4 | Reflection Sensor |
IO5 | Right Motor A |
IO12 | Header J21 |
IO14 | Header J21 |
IO13 | Left Motor B |
IO15 | Left Motor A |
IO16 | “Kick” Servo |
IO17 | Interrupt from Accelerometer |
IO18 | I2C SDA (to Accelerometer) |
IO19 | I2C SCL (to Accelerometer) |
IO23 | Right Motor B |
IO25 | Header J21 |
IO26 | Header J21 |
IO32 | Header J21 |
IO33 | Header J20 |
IO34 | Header J20 |
IO35 | Header J20 |
IO36 / VP | Header J20 |
IO37 / VN | Header J20 |
The first step is to load the MicroPython firmware onto the board. There’s a serial bootloader build into the ESP32 already which means we don’t need anything fancy, just a USB to serial converter (which is already built in to the LoliBot)
See Installing MicroPython for details of how to connect to the device and load the MicroPython firmware from Linux, OSX and Windows.
See Inputs and Outputs for details of how to control the I/O pins from MicroPython, and Motors for details of how to control motors.
The LoliBot has a chain of three Neopixels on pin 2, plus two H-bridge drivers for the wheel motors (on pins 15/13 and 5/23) and a “kicker” servo on pin 16.
Experiment with getting the Neopixels to make interesting colours (using the neopixel library)
Animate a rainbow effect by setting RGB values, pausing a moment and then changing them.
Experiment with driving the wheels in different directions and at different speeds. Try to catch it before it runs off the table.
Experiment with the servo and how to move it smoothly through its range without it hunting or squealing.
Detect the presence of an object near the reflection sensor by reading IO4
Attach some pieces of wire to pins IO12 and IO14 and experiment with the machine.TouchPad interface